Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Take on mistakes…..

We often make a great song and dance of mistakes made by us in course of our lives not taking them as missed opportunities to take or seize and make the most of it. We fail to think it in terms of stepping stones to move ahead in life, to flow with the life instead of refusing to move and choosing to standstill in the face of onslaught of the stormy and turbulent currents/ waves of river called life.

And then we complain as to how badly the life has chosen to treat us and not the other way round that we ourselves are also to be blames to some extent for not moving ahead as life would not stop for anyone or would let anyone stop and would forcibly drag one down if he or she refuses to move since life is the name of moving ahead despite all odds or obstacles lying in the path just like a river who has to carve out its course through varying landscapes in its journey towards sea its ultimate destination.

Very often mountains refuse to yield and make way for a young river but with the passage of time forges ahead wending its way through the heartland of mountains in form of underground channels springs and waterfalls and often traverse through the lonesome desert to quench the thirst of its parched lips and fulfill its promise made long ago to the accursed and forgotten landscape to make life a bit more bearable.


डॉ. मोनिका शर्मा said...

Very true.... thoughtful post... thanks

Dorothy said...

Dear Dr Monica
Thanks for dropping by and leaving such a beautiful comment. Thanks once again.

अनुपमा पाठक said...

nice blog... nice thought process!

Dorothy said...

Dear Anupma Pathak,
Thanks for dropping by and leaving such a beautiful comment. Thanks once again.

Anupama Tripathi said...

dear Dorothy,
A good work done.Pleasent thought.Keep writing.My best wishes and regards.

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